(updated Dec. 2021)

Leonardo to the Internet:
Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
Thomas J. Misa
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022; 3rd edition

Chapter 10. Dominance of the Digital (1990-2016)

What kind of "law" is Moore's Law?  What gave it force and influence from ca.1990? 

What were its effects on the economy? on the environment? (and where)?


No one event "ended" Moore's Law.  Evaluate these 2016 possibilities:

US+UK nationalist elections
antitrust against US firms
end of ITRS roadmaps
nationalism in .CN .RU

Discuss JP Barlow and H Clinton as "internet freedom" advocates.

Chicago ATTExplain how centralization came to the internet.  Discuss phone companies: see=>


Outline rival goals in building "democratic" versus "authoritarian" internets.  Could they co-exist?

What parts of China's internet today is home-grown (from Chinese companies)?

Which US companies helped build authoritarian internets abroad? And ... in the US itself?

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