(updated Nov. 2021) 


Leonardo to the Internet:
Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
Thomas J. Misa
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022; 3rd edition

L2i cover 2nd

Preface and Chapter 1: Technologies of the Court (1450-1600)

A key concept in Misa's book is "eras" -- does he view technology as a social force that changes society, social product changed by society, or an interactive social process?

Briefly describe 2-3 characteristics (people, technologies, dominant institutions, cultural elements) that help define these eras:
Courts (1450-1600)

Commerce (1588-1740) Industry (1740-1851) Empire (1840-1914)

How did Renaissance courts influence Leonardo's technology during these phases of his career:
Florence 1st & 2nd


Milan 1st & 2nd periods military engineer Rome
French court 

. . .and how did Leonardo's technology influence specific aspects of Renaissance culture?

Who "invented" linear perspective?  How did it alter the character of art and technology?

CONTRAST the "universal genius" and "fine arts" views of the Renaissance with Misa's view.

DESCRIBE the technical achievements and cultural consequences of Gutenberg, Luther, and Plantin.  IDENTIFY their "court" connections.

How did cultural elements in China and the Middle East influence the spread of paper? of printing?

EXPLAIN how printing changed the character of technology:

DISCUSS the role of [a] illustrations and [b] courtly patrons in . . .:
Biringuccio's Pirotechnia (1540) 


Agricola's De re metallica (1556)

SUMMARIZE the character of Renaissance-era technologists and their practices:

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